Our Focus
The SWS will help you develop a life that is rooted from the place of intimacy, as you learn how to draw from the Bible and the life of the Spirit. Participants will learn an overview of the
story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, being empowered with knowledge and skills to study and encounter the Word in a relational, inductive approach, being transformed through the renewing of your mind, as well as increase in knowing and developing a lifestyle of dependence on the person and work of Holy Spirit and the Kingdom of God. The process emphasises relationship and supernatural transformational encounters with Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Scripture and the Body of Christ.
Jesus said that our study of the Scriptures needs to lead to Him and to life. This 6-week introduction to relational study and overview of the Scriptures empowers and equips participants to multiply this life and such encounters with the Scripture around the world according to Eph 5, as well as facilitating personal and increased intimacy with God. The aim is a life lived from a strong spirit, greater awareness of spirit-connectedness with God and keeping that connection whilst studying the Bible.
The School of the Word and Spirit is not teaching about the Bible but rather studying it together in workshop-style activities, so that it can be multiplied in any context, particularly benefitting oral and relational learners.
Participants also receive group and individual coaching and mentoring. It is for those over 18 years old and proficient in English who wish to learn together how to follow the leading of the Spirit in learning the Story of God through the Word.

Some of our Values
Trinity – God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit personal and present. The Holy Spirit is our teacher, guide and inspiration.
Story – We love God’s story as told throughout the Scriptures and our connectedness to it. We journey with the Word and Spirit together.
Together – We love learning together as the Body of Christ with everyone able to contribute, participate, learn, grow and be fruitful. We share and encourage continued sharing, recognising what we are learning is transferable; freely we have received, now freely give.
Transformation - We have an expectation for supernatural encounters with God, one another and the Scriptures. We cultivate life-long connectedness with Spirit, Word and others beyond 40 days.
Course Information
There are no prerequisites for this course. Both those who have done a DTS with YWAM as well as those who haven’t are welcome!
Tuition fees, food, and housing included
School of the Word and Spirit
Expectations we have of participants
We ask that you be…
Open-minded to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Open to the leadership of Holy Spirit in study of Scripture, in worship, intercession, relationships and discussions.
Willing to participate in all activities to your ability and take risks to grow.
Respectful of diversity in the Body of Christ in culture, language, and beliefs that others have.
Challenged in attitude, belief and actions and obey Jesus’ guidance.